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Security Screw kit designed to prevent number plate theft

As I pulled up to the Petrol station earlier in the week I was sat behind three men filling up an old, slightly battered sports car. With a passing thought that this car may not help them in pursuit of the opposite sex I did not think anymore of it. However, I then observed the driver step back into the vehicle and, acting rather nonchalant, pulled away without even as much as a forwarding address for where to send the fuel bill!

Being a good citizen (and without wanting to pick up their tab by using the same pump!), I duly reported the incident to the staff inside. It was at this point the slightly bemused and agitated manager told me this is the third time this week.

Apparently it is increasingly common for number plates to be taken off parked vehicles, attached to an alternative car and used at petrol station forecourts. With petrol prices continuing to rise, it is right to assume so too is this type of crime.

With CCTV cameras being what they are it is difficult to imagine the law pursuing a prosecution of the hapless motorist who has had their number plates removed for this crime. However, any such incident would certainly result in numerous calls, letters and unwanted aggravation.

One really easy way to prevent motorists from being affected in this way is to replace the existing licence plate screws with one-way security fixings. Either clutch head or sentinel both can be easily affixed using a standard screwdriver. Once attached, the screws will then almost be impossible to move.

To make things easier for our cusotmers who only need four screws rather than a 10 or 100 pack, SSP has now introduced a number plate security screw pack. Containing two sets of the most used number plate Clutch head security screws, this kit could save motorists time, money and a lot of unnecassary hassle.